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Last update 2024/December/20


2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2007,

International Congress

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011,
2008, 2007, 2006

Domestic conference (jump to page)

Ph.D Thesis




    2024, Journal

  1. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Reo Baba, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuro Shoji, Akira Miki, and Akiyoshi Iida, Effects of two-dimensional reed oscillation on airflow and sound generation in a single-reed instrument, Computers and Fluids, 285, 106452
  2. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Nobuaki Nagao, Kazuma Tokai, Masahito Nishikawara, Control of Flow and Acoustic Fields Around an Axial Fan Utilizing Plasma Actuators, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 147(1), 011201, 2024
  3. Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Kenta Mochizuki, Masahito Nishikawara, Promotion of carbon dioxide adsorption using a zeolite-coated monolith with acoustic excitation, Bulletin of the JSME, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.3, 24-00119, 2024 doi:10.1299/jfst.2024jfst0029, link
  4. Masahito Nishikawara, Takeshi Miyakita, Genki Seshimo, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Hideki Yanada, Demonstration of heat switch function of loop heat pipe controlled by electrohydrodynamic conduction pump, Applied Thermal Engineering, 249, 123428, 2024
  5. Akitomo FUKUMA, Manato KAWAI, Nini FURUKAWA, Kenji KAWASAKI, Ichiro YAMAGIWA, Masahito NISHIKAWARA, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Fluid-acoustic interactions around an expanding pipe with orifice plates, Physics of Fluids, 36(3), 036116, 2024, doi:10.1063/5.0193029, Link
  6. Hideki Yanada, Ryo Kojima, Haruka Terashima, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masahito Nishikawara, Effects of bubble content on the rotor behavior and characteristics of hydraulic pumps used for automatic transmissions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 2024年3月8日
  7. 2023, Journal

  8. M. Nishikawara, J. Matsuda, H. Yokoyama, H. Yanada, Visualization study of liquid-vapor phase displacement between wall and porous media in drainage process of two-phase loop, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 195, 108652, 2023,
  9. Masahito Nishikawara, Shohei Tomita, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hideki Yanada, Relationship between phase distribution and heat-transfer coefficient of loop heat pipe evaporator investigated by lateral observation of porous media, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 236, Part A, 121524, 2023,
  10. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuaki Yoza, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, Simulation of acoustic oscillatory flows around a curvature controlled by a plasma actuator, Applied Acoustics, 205, 109274, 2023 DOI:10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109274
  11. 2022, Journal

  12. Masahito Nishikawara, Toshihiro Sako, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hideki Yanada, Wicking characteristics of porous media using short copper micro/nanofibers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 195, 123137, pp.1-12,2022,
  13. 金子 友暁, 横山 博史, 佐藤 充, 西川原 理仁, 柳田 秀記, ダクト内の音響共鳴を伴う軸流ファン周りの流れ場, 日本機械学会論文集, 22-00044,pp.1-12, Vol.88, No.910, 2022(PDF),DOI:10.1299/transjsme.22-00044
  14. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Takayuki Arai, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,Effects of airflow in constricted vocal tracts on vowel production of the reed-type artificial vocal fold, Acoustical Science and Technology, Acoustical Letter, 43(5), pp.283-286,2022(pdf)
  15. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yasuaki Omori, Masashi Kume, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, Simulation of thermoacoustic heat pump effects driven by acoustic radiation in a cavity flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.185, 122424-1-122424-17, April, 2022 DOI:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122424 Link
  16. 2021, Journal

  17. Hideki Yanada, Takumi Uchino, Takahiro Takeno, Ryo Kojima, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Rotor Behavior and Friction Torque Characteristics of a Gerotor Pump Used for Automatic Transmissions, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, 143 (12), 121001-1-121001-9, 2021 DOI:10.1115/1.4051644
  18. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Takayuki Arai, Rafia Inaam, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, A fully coupled fluid-structure-acoustic interaction simulation on reed-type artificial vocal fold, Applied Acoustics, 184, 108339-1-108339-7, 2021
  19. 吉永司, 荒井隆行, Rafia Inaam, 横山博史, 飯田明由, 円管型声道を付したリード式人工声帯の流体−構造−音響連成シミュレーション, ながれ, 40(3), 227-234, 2021
  20. 折戸功平, 横山博史, 金子友暁, 西川原理仁, 柳田秀記, 軸流ファンにおけるケーシングのスリット形状が空力特性と発生音に及ぼす影響, ターボ機械, 49(6), 41-50, doi:10.11458/tsj.49.6_361, Link
  21. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Shoji Tetsuro, Akira Miki, Akiyoshi Iida, "Global numerical simulation of fluid-structure-acoustic interaction in a single-reed instrument", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.149, No.3, pp.1623-1632, March,2021, DOI:10.1121/10.0003757Link
  22. Kimie Onogi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "Effects of Jet Angle on Harmonic Structure of Sound Radiating from the Flute", Acta Acustica, Vol.5, 11, 1-15, 2021 DOI:10.1051/aacus/2021003
  23. 2020, Journal

  24. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Keisuke Otsuka, Katsuya Otake, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, "Control of Cavity Flow with Acoustic Radiation by an Intermittently Driven Plasma Actuator", Physics of Fluids, 32(10),106104-1-106104-20, 2020 October, DOI:10.1063/5.0017658. Link, pdf
  25. 山崎 貴史, 松岡 常吉, 横山 博史, 中村 祐二, スピーカーによる音場が拡散火炎に与える影響に関する実験的研究, Vol.86, No.889, 20-00210-1-20-00210-11, DOI:10.1299/transjsme.20-00210, 2020, September. Link
  26. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsutake Minowa, Kohei Orito, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, "Compressible Simulation of Flow and Sound around a Small Axial-Flow Fan with Flow through Casing Slits", JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, Vol.142, No.10, 101215-1-101215-10, DOI:10.1115/1.4047807, 2020, August. Link
  27. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masanori Kobayashi, Akiyoshi Iida, "Analysis of Flow and Acoustic Radiation in Reed Instruments by Compressible Flow Simulation", Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.41, No.5, E1926, pp.739-750, DOI:10.1250/ast.41.739, 2020, September. Link
  28. 2019, Journal

  29. 蓑和克武, 横山博史, 板垣来翼, 飯田明由, ケーシングスリットがファン騒音に及ぼす影響についての圧縮性流れ解析による分析, ターボ機械, 47(4), pp.219-226, 2019 DOI:10.11458/tsj.47.4_219, Link
  30. Saya Sato, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "Control of Flow around an Oscillating Plate for Lift Enhancement by Plasma Actuators", Applied Sciences, 9(4), 776, Special issue "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)", pp.1-19, February 2019; applsci-428109; doi:10.3390/app9040776 Link
  31. Kimie Onogi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,"Analysis of jet oscillations with acoustic radiation in the recorder by direct aeroacoustic simulations", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,146 (2), 1427-1437, August 2019; Link(selected for Technical Area Pick for Musical Acoustics)
  32. 2018, Journal

  33. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,"Reduction of tonal sound from cascade of flat plates by controlling thickness ratio of neighboring plates", Noise Control Engineering Journal, 66(5), pp.375-387, 2018. DOI:10.3397/1/376632 published 1st SeptemberLink
  34. 田所 真樹, 横山 博史, 水野 雅隆, 飯田 明由, 若松 幹生, Phan Vinh Long, 田中 博, 乱流境界層が流入する前方ステップから生じる空力騒音の音源および伝播プロセスの解明,日本機械学会論文集, 84(863), pp.18-00199-1-18-00199-16, June.2018. DOI:10.1299/transjsme.18-00199. J-STAGE
  35. Yuuya Tanaka, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,"Forced-oscillation control of sound radiated from the flow around a cascade of flat plates", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.431, pp.248-264, June.2018. Link to ScienceDirect
  36. 宮本 孟宜, 横山 博史, 飯田 明由, 折れ部を有する曲面の端部から発生するフィードバック音のプラズマアクチュエータを用いた制御, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.84 , No.861, pp.18-00121-1-18-00121-16, May 2018. DOI: J-STAGE
  37. 2017, Journal

  38. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Isamu Tanimoto, Akiyoshi Iida,"Experimental Tests and Aeroacoustic Simulations of the Control of Cavity Tone by Plasma Actuators", Appl. Sci. Aug.2017, 7(8), 790, pp.1-15; doi:10.3390/app7080790.(The figures of this paper was on cover page of this issue)Link (open access)
  39. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Ryo Adachi, Taiki Minato, Akiyoshi Iida,"Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Control Methods of Cavity Tone by Blowing Jet in an Upstream Boundary Layer", SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 10(3):June.2017, pp.703-711. doi:10.4271/2017-01-1786. Link to SAE
  40. Takenori Miyamoto, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,"Suppression of Aerodynamic Tonal Noise from an Automobile Bonnet Using a Plasma Actuator", SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 10(3):June.2017, pp.712-720. doi:10.4271/2017-01-1825. Link to SAE
  41. 横山 博史, 宮澤 真史, 飯田 明由, 折れ部を上流に有する曲面端部まわりの流れにおける コヒーレンス解析によるフィードバック音発生機構の解明,自動車技術会論文集, 48 (2), pp.485-490, Mar.2017. DOI: Link
  42. 楠本 誠,横山 博史,David ANGLAND,飯田 明由, プラズマアクチュエータによる平板列から発生する空力騒音の制御 Control of aerodynamic noise from cascade of flat plates by plasma actuators, 日本機械学会論文集, 83 (847), 16-00364-1-16-00364-16, Mar.2017. DOI:10.1299/transjsme.16-00364 J-STAGE
  43. 2016, Journal

  44. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hiroshi Odawara, and Akiyoshi Iida, Effects of freestream turbulence on cavity tone and sound source, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 7347106, pp.1-16, Nov.2016. DOI:10.1155/2016/7347106 Link to paper
  45. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuu Hirose, and Akiyoshi Iida, Effective mixing and aeration in a bioreactor with Taylor vortex flow, Mechanical Engineering Letters, 2, 16-00412-1-16-00412-9, 14.Sep.2016. DOI:10.1299/mel.16-00412 J-STAGE

  46. 2015, Journal

  47. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akira Miki, Hirofumi Onitsuka, and Akiyoshi Iida, Direct numerical simulation of fluid-acoustic interactions in a recorder with tone holes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138, pp. 858-873 (Aug.2015).PDF DOI:10.1121/1.4926902 (Copyright (2015) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personaluseonly. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics : This article may be found at AIP).
    This paper was also reported in university press. University press
  48. 横山 博史, 篠原 大志, 中島 崇宏, 宮澤 真史, 飯田 明由, 層流境界層中におかれた折れ部を上流に有する曲面端部から生じるフィードバック音の直接計算, 日本機械学会論文集, 81 (826), 15-00148, pp.1-15, June.2015. J-STAGE

  49. 2013, Journal

  50. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuya Kitamiya, and Akiyoshi Iida, Flows around a cascade of flat plates with acoustic resonance, Physics of Fluids, 25 (10), 106104, pp.1-22, Oct.2013. PDF (Copyright (2013) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal useonly. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics : This article may be found at AIP).
  51. 横山 博史, 北宮 克哉, 飯田 明由, 一様流中におかれた平板列からの音響共鳴を伴う空力音の発生, 日本機械学会論文集B編, 79 (804), pp. 1419-1433, Aug.2013. J-STAGE
  52. 横山 博史, 飯田 明由, 低マッハ数の角柱周りの流れにおける空力音源, 日本機械学会論文集B編, 79 (799), pp. 344-355, Mar.2013. J-STAGE

  53. 2011, Journal

  54. 寺尾 啓太郎,横山 博史,大峠 祐介,飯田 明由, キャビティ音発生機構に基づいた新たな周波数予測式の提案, Proposition of a New Formula for Frequency Prediction Based on Generation Mechanism of Aerodynamic Sound in Cavity Flows, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B, 77(779), pp. 1522-1532, July.2011. J-STAGE
  55. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Chisachi Kato, Fluid-Acoustic Interactions in Acoustic Radiation in Turbulent Cavity Flows (Fluid-Dynamic Oscillations), Journal of Environment and Engineering, 6 (1), pp. 90-106 (Jan.2011). J-STAGE

  56. 2010, Journal

  57. 横山 博史, 加藤 千幸, 乱流境界層内のキャビティ音発生におけるフィードバック機構 : 第2報,流体共鳴振動, 76 (765), pp. 804-813 (May.2010). J-STAGE

  58. 2009, Journal

  59. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Chisachi Kato, Fluid-acoustic interactions in self-sustained oscillations in turbulent cavity flows. I. Fluid-dynamic oscillations, Physics of Fluids, 21(10), 105103, 1-13 (Oct.2009). PDF (Copyright (2013) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personaluse only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics : This article may be found at AIP).
  60. 横山 博史, 加藤 千幸, 乱流境界層内のキャビティ音発生におけるフィードバック機構 : 第1報,流体力学的振動, 75(760), pp. 2369-2378 (2009).J-SAGE

  61. 2007, Journal

  62. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuichi Tsukamoto, Chisachi Kato, Akiyoshi Iida, Self-Sustained Oscillations with Acoustic Feedback in Flow Over a Backward-Facing Step with a Small Upstream Step, Physics of Fluids, 19(10), 106104, Oct.2007.PDF (Copyright (2013) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics : This article may be found at AIP).
  63. 飯田 明由, 小久保 あゆみ, 塚本 裕一, 本田 拓, 横山 博史, 貴島 敬, 加藤 千幸, ドアミラーから放射される空力・音響フィードバック音の発生条件73 (732), pp. 1637-1646(Aug.2007). J-STAGE

International Congress

    2024, International Congress

  1. G. Seshimo, M. Nishikawara, T. Miyakita, and H. Yokoyama, Thermal Vacuum Testing of Loop Heat Pipe Controlled by Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pump, Joint 22st International Heat Pipe Conference and 16th International Heat Pipe Symposium, 49, Bangkok, Nov., 2024.(口頭、査読あり,11/25発表)
  2. Manato Kawai, Akitomo Fukuma, Kenji Kawasaki, Ichiro Yamagiwa, Masahito Nishikawara, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Experimental investigation of aerodynamic noise from a flow through double orifices in an expanded pipe, Paper No.202, Proceedings of ICSV30, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024年7月10日
  3. Kazuma Tokai, Nobuaki Nagao, Masahito Nishikawara, Hiroshi Yokoyama, EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF CONTROL EFFECTS ON A FLOW WITH ACOUSTIC RESONANCE AROUND AN AXIAL FAN WITH PLASMA ACTUATORS, Paper No.201, Proceedings of ICSV30, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024年7月10日
  4. 2023, International Congress

  5. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuro Shoji, Akira Miki, Akiyoshi Iida, Exploring player’s feelings on clarinet mouthpiece geometry using artificial blowing machines and airflow simulations, the 185th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2023年12月8日(invited)
  6. Effects of the Bore Diameter on Oscillation Threshold Pressure and Tone Quality of Clarinet Mouthpieces, Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Aoi Soejima, Tetsuro Shoji, Akira Miki, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023 2023年9月
  7. Effects of Jet Offset in Flute Blowing on Jet Fluctuations and Sound, Kimie Onogi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023 2023年9月
  8. Akitomo FUKUMA, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Manato KAWAI, Kenji KAWASAKI, Ichiro YAMAGIWA, Masahito NISHIKAWARA, Hideki YANADA, Direct aeroacoustic simulation of a flow through an expanding pipe with orifice plates , Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2023 , No. 1-6-5, Chiba, Aug., 2023 ISBN 978-4-905648-68-0
  9. M. Nishikawara, T. Miyakita, G. Seshimo, H. Yokoyama and H. Yanada, Prototype of loop heat pipe with electrohydrodynamic conduction pump for active shutdown function, Proceedings of the 52th International Conference on Environmental Systems, No. ICES-2023-79, Calgary, Jul., 2023.
  10. Kenta MOCHIZUKI, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Masahito NISHIKAWARA, Hideki YANADA, "Enhancement of CO2 adsorption using a monolith coated with zeolite by acoustic excitation", Proc. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2023 (AJK FED2023), 1-05-3-03 (Presentation on 10 July)
  11. M. Nishikawara, T. Ueda, H. Yokoyama, and H. Yanada, Scaling Effect on Micro Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pump with Flush Electrode, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), 194, Worcester, 25-28th. Jun., 2023
  12. Hiroshi Yokoyama, "Fluid-acoustic interactions with resonance sound an axial fan in a duct", Flow induced noise and vibration issues and aspects, Flinovia IV, UNSW Sydney, 22-24 May, 2023 (invited)
  13. 2022, International Congress

  14. Tomoya Ueda, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, Hiroshi Yokoyama, and Hiroki Nagai, Simulation in micro EHD conduction pump with asymmetric flush electrode, The 19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2022), IFS Collaborative Research Forum (AFI-2022), CRF-3, 2022/11/9-11, Sendai, Hybrid
  15. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Takahiro Minamoto, Masashi Kume, Masahito Nishikawara and Hideki Yanada, A thermoacoustic heat pump driven by self-sustained oscillations in a cavity flow with a stack, Proceedings of 24th International Congress on Acoustics, ABS-0040, October, 2022 (invited)
  16. Tsukasa YOSHINAGA, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Tetsuro SHOJI, Akira MIKI, Akiyoshi IIDA, Numerical investigation of effects of mouthpiece geometry on flow and sound generation in a single-reed instrument, Proceedings of 24th International Congress on Acoustics, ABS-0031, October, 2022 (invited)
  17. M. Nishikawara, K. Okada, H. Yokoyama, and H. Yanada, Scaling Effect on Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pump with Embedded Electrode, 12th International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma for Pollution Control & Sustainable Energy (ISNTP-12) and International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics 2022 (ISEHD 2022), O-36, Otaru, 30th. Aug., 2022.
  18. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masahito Nishikawara and Hideki Yanada, CONTROL OF FLUID-ELASTIC OSCILLATIONS WITH ACOUSTIC RESONANCE IN A CAVITY FLOW WITH A CANTILEVER BY A PLASMA ACTUATOR, Proceeding of 28th ICSV, July 25-August 5(presentation on 4 Aug.), 2022, Singapore (hybrid), No.36, ISSN 2329-3675 ISBN 978-981-18-5070-7
  19. Masashi Kume, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Takahiro Minamoto, Masahito Nishikawara, and Hideki Yanada, COMPRESSIBLE SIMULATION OF A THERMOACOUSTIC HEAT PUMP IN A CAVITY FLOW WITH A STACK, Proceeding of 28th ICSV, July 25-August 5(presentation on 4 Aug.), 2022, Singapore (hybrid), No.40, ISSN 2329-3675 ISBN 978-981-18-5070-7
  20. T. Yoshinaga, T. Arai, H. Yokoyama and A. Iida, The Analysis of Jet Flow and Sound Generation of the Reed-Type Artificial Vocal Fold,The 7th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2022, ICJWSF2022-J02,2022, March 17, Nihon Univ., Tokyo, Japan (online)
  21. Tsuneyoshi Matsuoka, Reo Takada, Takumi Yamahata, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Atsushi Makino, Yuji Nakamura, Scaling law of excess burning rate of a cellulosic particle in acoustic standing wave,9th International Symposium on Scale Modeling (ISSM9), 2022, March 3, Napoli, Italy (hybrid), pp.62-65
  22. Nishikawara, M., Sako, T., Yokoyama, H., Yanada, H, Development and wicking-drying characteristic evaluation of porous medium using short copper micro/nanofiber, paper 434, 2022 International Drying Symposium
  23. Nishikawara, M; Matsuda, J; Yokoyama, H; Yanada, H, Visualization study on liquid-vapor phase displacement between wall and porous media in drainage process of two-phase loop, paper 527, 2022 International Drying Symposium
  24. 2021, International Congress

  25. Katsuaki Yoza, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masahito Nishikawara, Hideki Yanada, Numerical Simulation for Control of Acoustic Oscillatory Flow in a Curved Duct by a Plasma Actuator, AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering - RCTEMME2021, 2021, Dec 11
  26. Hideki Yanada, Kento Kimura, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masahito Nishikawara, Numerical Analysis of EHD Pumps with Electrodes on the Wall of a Flow Path, AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering - RCTEMME2021, 2021, Dec 11
  27. Masahito Nishikawara, Shohei Tomita, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hideki Yanada, Study on Phase Change Heat Transfer with Visualized Loop-Heat-Pipe Evaporator, AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering - RCTEMME2021, 2021, Dec 10
  28. Ryo Kojima, Takahiro Takeno, Hideki Yanada, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Study on Rotor Behavior of a Gerotor Pump, The 11th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power HAKODATE 2020, Oct12-13, 2021 (Best student paper award), OS1-01
  29. Okada Kotaro, Masahito NISHIKAWARA, Shunichi NAITO, Hideki YANADA, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Manufacturing and Evaluation of Micro Electrohydrodynamic Pumps with Different Scales and Similar Dimensions, The 11th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power HAKODATE 2020, Oct12-13, 2021 (Best paper award), OS2-05
  30. Rafia Inaam, Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Takayuki Arai, hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Comparison between Lumped-mass Modeling and Flow Simulation of the Reed-type Artificial Vocal Fold, Interspeech 2021, 30th of August-3rd-September 2021 (accepted)
  32. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Tetsuro Shoji, Akira Miki, Akiyoshi Iida, Numerical investigation of effects of lip stiffness on reed oscillation in a single-reed instrument, The 180th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 8-10 June 2021 (invited)
  33. 2020, International Congress

  34. Tsukasa Yoshinaga, Kazunori Nozaki, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Aeroacoustic simulation on sibilant fricative production using a volume penalization method, 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 11-15 January 2021 (virtual), Paris, France
  35. 2019, International Congress

  36. H. Yokoyama, K. Hibino, M. Nishikawara, H. Yanada, "Oscillations of a flexible beam in cavity flow with tonal sound", Proceedings of IGNITE-ICVSSD,Penang, Malaysia, December 2019
  37. Yoichi Sawamura, Toki Uda, Toshiki Kitagawa, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "Measurement and reduction of aerodynamic bogie noise generated by high-speed trains in terms of wind tunnel testing", IWRN13, September 2019, Ghent, Belgium.
  38. Yusuke Kishino, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yasuaki Omori, Masahito Nishikawara, "EFFECTS OF STACK POSITION ON THERMOACOUSTIC HEAT PUMP IN A RECTANGULAR RESONATOR", 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, No.348, pp.1-8, July 2019, Montreal Canada, No.348.
  39. Katsutake Minowa, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Kohei Orito, Akiyoshi Iida, "DIRECT AEROACOUSTIC SIMULATION OF FLOW AND NOISE AROUND AN AXIAL-FLOW FAN REGARDING EFFECTS OF SLITS IN A CASING", 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 2019, Montreal Canada, No.346.
  40. Keisuke Otsuka, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuya Otake, "CONTROL OF FLOW AND SOUND OVER A CAVITY BY INTERMITTENTLY DRIVEN PLASMA ACTUATOR", 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 2019, Montreal Canada, No.359.
  41. Onogi Kimie, Ai Natsubori, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Keita Arimoto,"Experimental Investigation for Effects of Jet Angle on the Harmonic Structure in the Flute", Proceedings of the ISMA 2019, September 13-17,2019,Detmold, Germany

    2018, International Congress

  42. Ai Natsubori, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Keita Arimoto, "Experimental investigation of acoustic radiation from a flute with an artificial blowing device", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), DOI:10.1121/1.5068439, 2018, Proceedings of 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, British Columbia, 5-9 November 2018.
  43. Kimie Onogi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Tetsuro Shoji, "Direct aeroacoustic simulation of acoustic radiation in recorders with different windway geometries", JASA, 144(3), published Oct. 18, Proceedings of 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada, November 2018, 35(1)(Dec.5), pp.1-8, 2018. DOI:10.1121/1.5068440, DOI:10.1121/2.0000933
  44. Raito Itagaki, Katsutake Minowa, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "EFFECTS OF SLITS OF CASING ON AEROACOUSTIC NOISE RADIATED FROM AN AXIAL FAN",25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan, July, 2018.
  45. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsutake Minowa, Raito Itagaki, Akiyoshi Iida, "Direct simulation of aerodynamic noise of an axial-flow fan with volume penalization method",ECCM-ECFD 2018, Glasgow, UK. 12, June, 2018.

    2017, International Congress

  46. Saya Sato, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "CONTROL OF FLOW AND ACOUSTIC RADIATION AROUND AN OSCILLATING PLATE IN A UNIFORM FREESTREAM BY PLASMA ACTUATORS",The Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, pp.1-5, Okinawa, Japan, October 2017.
  47. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Isamu Tanimoto, Akiyoshi Iida, "Experimental and Computational Investigation of Cavity Tone Controlled by Streamwise Plasma Actuators", The 6th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows ICJWSF 2017, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 2017.
  48. Masanori KOBAYASHI, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Akiyoshi IIDA, "Direct numerical simulation of flow and acoustic fields around woodwind instruments with reed oscillations", Inter-Noise 2017, Hong Kong, China, August 2017.
  49. Isamu TANIMOTO, Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Akiyoshi IIDA, "Effects of electrode arrangement of plasma actuators on noise control in cavity flow", Inter-Noise 2017, Hong Kong, China, August 2017.
  50. Yuuya Tanaka, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, "EFFECTS OF OSCILLATING PLATES ON AEROACOUSTIC SOUND RADIATED FROM A CASCADE OF FLAT PLATES", ICSV24, London, United Kingdom, July 2017.
  51. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Ryo Adachi, Taiki Minato, Akiyoshi Iida,"Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Control Methods of Cavity Tone by Blowing Jet in an Upstream Boundary Layer", SAE 2017 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition, doi:10.4271/2017-01-1786, June 2017.
  52. Takenori Miyamoto, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida,"Suppression of Aerodynamic Tonal Noise from an Automobile Bonnet Using a Plasma Actuator", SAE 2017 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition, doi:10.4271/2017-01-1825, June 2017.pict
  53. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Control of aerodynamic noise radiating from cavity flows by introducing longitudinal vortices, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'17), Barcelona, Spain, April6-8, Paper No.ENFHT 123, ISSN:2371-5316, DOI:10.11159/enfht17.123, April 2017 (invited,published)
  54. Kenta Inada, Seiji Fujiwara, Seiichi Tanaka, Subhan Ullah, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE ONSET CHARACTERISTICS OF A TWO-STAGE LOOP-TYPE THERMOACOUSTIC ENGINE, Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017, pp.1-5, March 2017, Oral, JEJU ISLAND, Korea

    2016, International Congress

  55. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Kohei Miura, and Akiyoshi Iida, Measurement of unsteady surface pressure on rotor blades of fans by Pressure-Sensitive Paint, The Irago Conference 2016, Nov., 2016. (published in AIP paper January 2017)
  56. Ryo Adachi, Hiroshi Yokoyama, and Akiyoshi Iida, Role of longitudinal vortices induced by jets in upstream boundary layer on suppression of cavity tone, The Irago Conference 2016, Nov., 2016.(published in AIP paper Janupary 2017)
  57. Maki Tadokoro, Hiroshi Yokoyama, and Akiyoshi Iida, Effects of wake-turbine blade interactions on power production of wind turbines, The Irago Conference 2016, Nov., 2016.(published in AIP paper January 2017)
  58. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akira Miki, Ryoma Hamasuna, Hirofumi Onitsuka, and Akiyoshi Iida, Direct aeroacoustic simulations and measurements of flow and acoustic fields around a recorder with tone holes, The fifth joint ASA/ASJ meeting, 2016. (invited), (published in ASA, November 2016)
  59. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuuya Tanaka and Akiyoshi Iida, Direct aeroacoustic Simulation with volume penalization method, Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, Chapter of ECTE2016, pp.105-109, July.2016, ISBN: 978-1-60595-385-4 ISSN: 2475-8841.
  60. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Akiyoshi Iida, Identification of dominant acoustic sources in flows around square cylinder in a uniform flow, Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, Chapter of ECTE2016, pp.125-129, July.2016, ISBN: 978-1-60595-385-4 ISSN: 2475-8841.
  61. Subhan Ullah, Hiroshi Yokoyama, and Akiyoshi Iida, Design and Fabrication of Two Stage Thermoacoustic Engine to Reduce the Onset Temperature, Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, Chapter of ECTE2016, pp.149-153, July.2016, ISBN: 978-1-60595-385-4 ISSN: 2475-8841.
  62. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Ryoma Hamasuna, Akira Miki, H. Onitsuka, and Akiyoshi Iida, Direct aeroacoustic simulation related with mode change in a recorder, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, pp.1315-1324, June 2016. (publishment)
  63. Ryo Adachi, Taiki Minato, Hiroshi Yokoyama and Akiyoshi Iida, Control of aerodynamic noise by using impinging jets placed at upstream of the cavity tone, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, June 2016.

    2015, International Congress

  64. Akiyoshi Iida and Hiroshi Yokoyama, Application of the turbulence generator in the development of industrial products, The International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF2015), June 2015.
  65. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Akiyoshi Iida, Taishi Shinohara, Takahiro Nakajima, Masashi Miyazawa, Aerodynamic Sound from a Curvilinear Body with a Kink Shape, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015 (July 2015)
  66. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Ryo Adachi, Taiki Minato, Hiroshi Odawara, Hideo Morishima and Akiyoshi Iida, Control of Cavity Tone by Spanwise Aligned Jets in Upstream Boundary Layer, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting 2015 (March 2015)PDF

  67. 2014, International Congress

  68. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Masaki Kobayashi, Hirofumi Onitsuka, Akira Miki, Akiyoshi iida, Direct numerical simulation of flow and acoustic fields around an air-reed instrument with tone holes, inter-noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia (Novenber 17,2014). PDF
  69. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Takahiro Nakajima, Taishi Shinohara, Masashi Miyazawa, Akiyoshi Iida, Aerodynamic noise produced in flow around an auto-mobile bonnet, inter-noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia (Novenber 17,2014). PDF
  70. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuya Kitamiya, Hiroki Yamamoto, and Akiyoshi Iida, Effects of distance between plates on flows around a cascade of flat plates with acoustic resonance, AIAA-2014-3197, Atlanta, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 2014. PDF(publishment)DOI:10.2514/6.2014-3197
  71. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Taishi Shinohara, Takahiro Nakajima, MasashiMiyazawa, Akiyoshi Iida, DIRECT SIMULATIONS OF ACOUSTIC RADIATION AROUND ATRAILING EDGE WITH AN UPSTREAM KINK SHAPE, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain (July 2014). PDF
  72. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Computational Prediction of Aerodynamic Noise, Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 12, Tokyo, Japan (June 2014)(invited).

  73. 2013, International Congress

  74. Akiyoshi Iida, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Makoto Kusumoto, Aerodynamic noise control with plasma actuators, The 24th International Symposium on transport phenomena, Yamaguchi, Japan (November 2013).
  75. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Makoto Kusumoto, Akiyoshi Iida, Control of Noise from a Cascade of Flat Plates by using DBD Plasma Actuators, Inter-Noise 2013, Paper 1093, Innsbruck, Austria (September 2013). PDF
  76. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuya Kitamiya, Akiyoshi Iida, Measurement of velocity field in flows around a cascade of flat plates with acoustic resonance, Inter-Noise 2013, Paper 1092, Innsbruck, Austria (September 2013).PDF
  77. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Hiroshi Odawara, Akiyoshi Iida, Direct Simulation of Effects of Free-stream Turbulence on Cavity Tone, Inter-Noise 2013, Paper 1107, Innsbruck, Austria (September 2013).
  78. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Taishi Shinohara, Akiyoshi Iida, Acoustic Radiation in Flows around a Trailing Edge with an Upstream Kink Shape, Inter-Noise 2013, Paper 1100, Innsbruck, Austria (September 2013).
  79. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Katsuya Kitamiya and Akiyoshi Iida, ACOUSTIC RADIATION WITH RESONANCE IN FLOWS AROUND A CASCADE OF FLAT PLATES, The 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (July 2013).

  80. 2012, International Congress

  81. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Akiyoshi Iida, Acoustic Radiation from Flows around a Cascade of Flat Plates, Korea-Japan CFD workshop 2012, Busan, Korea (November 2012).
  82. Akiyoshi Iida and Hiroshi Yokoyama, Effects of turbulence on aerodynamic force of insect flight, The Fifth International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms, Taipei, Taiwan (Augsut 2012).
  83. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Akiyoshi Iida, ACOUSTIC RADIATION IN A UNIFORM FLOWAROUND A TWO-DIMENSIONAL CYLINDER AT LOW REYNOLDS NUMBER, The 19thInternational Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania (July 2012).

  84. 2011, International Congress

  85. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Keitaro Terao, Tatsutya Suzuki and Akiyoshi Iida, A formula for prediction of frequency of tonal sound in cavity flows with acoustic resonance, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (invited), Hamamatsu, Japan (July 2011).
  86. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Kenji Hagiya and Akiyoshi Iida, Comparison of direct and hybrid simulations of acoustic radiation by a rectangular cylinder in a uniform flow, The 11th Asian Symposium onVisualization, Niigata, Japan (June 2011).
  87. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Direct Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Radiation in Cavity flows, 2011JSAE Annual Congress (spring), Yokohama, Japan (May 2011).

  88. 2008, International Congress

  89. Hiroshi Yokoyama and Chisachi Kato, Fluid-acoustics interaction in self-sustained oscillationsover a cavityin a turbulent boundary layer, FEDSM2008 ASME Fluids Engineering DivisionSummer Conference, Florida, USA (August 2008).

  90. 2007, International Congress

  91. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuichi Tsukamoto,Chisachi Kato and Akiyoshi Iida, Self-sustainedoscillations with tonal sound around a backward-facingstep with a small upstream step,FEDSM2007 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, California, USA (August 2007).

  92. 2006, International Congress

  93. Hiroshi Yokoyama, Chisachi Kato, Yuichi Tsukamoto, Taku Honda, Akiyoshi Iida and Kazuo Matsuura, Numerical Investigation of Aeroacoustic feedback around a small bump near a backward-facing step, 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, Seoul, Korea (June 2006).
  94. Yuichi Tsukamoto, Taku Honda, Akiyoshi Iida, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Chisachi Kato, Takashi Kijima, Experimental Investigation of Tonal-Noise Generated from a Small Step on the Surface of Rearview Mirror, 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, No. 236, June 2006.

Ph.D Thesis (The University of Tokyo)

乱流境界層内のキャビティ音発生におけるフィードバック機構 (PDF, 12.3Mbytes)


  1. 音響キーワードブック 共著 2016年3月 コロナ社
  2. 遮音・吸音材料の開発,評価と騒音低減技術 共著 2018年7月 技術情報協会
  3. Numerical Simulations in Engineering and Science 共著 2018年7月 "IntechOpen Limited"
  4. Flinovia―Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects―IV, Fluid-acoustic interactions with resonance around an axial fan in a duct, 2025 Feb ISBN: 9783031739347


  1. 上流に微小な段差を有するバックステップから発生するフィードバック音の直接計算 共著 2007年1月 "生産研究 第59巻第1号 (67頁〜72頁)"
  2. 乱流境界層中のキャビティから発生する空力騒音の直接計算 共著 2009年1月 "生産研究 第61巻第1号 (26頁〜29頁) "
  3. J乱流境界層内のキャビティから発生する音の直接数値計算 共著 2010年4月 "生産研究 第62巻第1号(15頁〜22頁) "
  4. 直接計算による角柱から生じる空力音のLighthill音源項に関する研究 共著 2011年5月 "生産研究 第63巻第1号 (51頁〜54頁)"
  5. 空力騒音の数値計算”, センター計算機を利用した研究紹介 共著 2012年3月 "情報メディア基盤センターレポート 第6号(1頁-2頁) "
  6. The 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibrationに参加して 単著 2013年7月 財団ニュース 第39巻 音響・騒音 単著 2014年8月 日本機械学会誌, 第117巻1149号(523頁)
  7. 音孔を有するリコーダー周りの流体音に関する直接計算 共著 2014年8月 "ながれ 第33第2号 (125頁-131頁) "
  8. バイオリアクタ用撹拌器の開発 単著 2016年5月 "機械の研究 第68巻第6号(470頁-476頁) "
  9. リコーダーからの発音に関する流れと音の直接計算 共著 2017年5月 "スーパーコンピューティングニュース 第19巻第3号 (26頁-36頁) "
  10. フルートの吹込み角度による音色変化のメカニズム解明 共著 2020年9月 "スーパーコンピューティングニュース 第22巻 特集号 (62頁-67頁) "
  11. 電気的・熱的効果によるキャビティ音制御の数値解析 共著 2021年8月 "スーパーコンピューティングニュース 第23巻 特集号 (94頁-101頁)"
  12. プラズマアクチュエータによる空力音制御 単著 2022年7月 "フルードパワーシステム 第53巻第4号 (154頁-157頁)"
  13. 管楽器の空力音響解析 共著 2022年7月 "フルードパワーシステム 第53巻第4号 (170頁-174頁)"
  14. 計算力学講演会CMD2023開催案内, 横山博史, 計算力学部門ニュースレター 69 2023年6月
  15. 横山博史, "熱音響ヒートポンプによる空力騒音のエネルギーハーベスト", 新東日報 41 67-68 2023年12月
  16. 小野木君枝, 横山博史, 吉永司, 飯田明由, エアリード楽器の流れと音に関する研究